Helping You Live Life to the Fullest
About the Owner of Anatomical Bliss
Patrick Lane, Lymphologist Massage Master Instructor and Therapist
I would like to give thanks to first of all, Ralph Koziarski for introducing me to Professional Massage, and asking me to be his Partner. The teacher Henri R.X. Nussbaum worked at the exclusive private mens club at the Fisher building in Detroit. The Recess Club. Henri was an outstanding instructor that had an extensive background and diploma's from the School of Massage & Corrective Excercises, Toulouse, France, diploma of Brevet Superieur 1945, Kinesiologist 1946, The National School of Joinville Le-Pont,
Paris, France, as Professeur d'Education Physique in 1948. Henri was licensed in Detroit starting in 1957.
I began my quest professionally in 1982. For more than 3 decades, I have devoted my time to the practice of lymphatic massage.
To this day, I continue to refine my knowledge and skills in the development of Lymphatic Muscle Isolation (LMI). My treatment of the Lymphatic System has confirmed the most recent discovery's of the Lymphatic connection to the right-left brain hemisphere's, as I have hypothesized this since 1982. Now understanding of the Glymphatic System is the cleansing of the Lymphatic System.
I am now proudly serving clients in Charleston, Mt. Pleasant, IOP and other select areas around the World.
My associations include being an ordained Hawaiian Huna Practitioner with Aloha International, the worldwide network of Shaman Healers promoting the Hawaiian healing tradition. Additionally, I specialize in Kahuna Lomilomi massage & Pastoral Counseling.
I have also been involved in research studies with individuals who are considered legends in the field of
The Healing Arts.
Medical physicians, chiropractors, naturopaths, psychologists, and neuropsychologists around the world agree that my lymphatic massage treatment LMI improved their quality of life. Internationally, I am recognized as a Lymphologist,
Massage Master & Instructor
Apart from massage services, I offer personal training and good life coaching & Pastoral counseling, as a Provider for
Blue Cross Blue Shield. With my lifelong background in advanced sports, martial arts, and yoga.
I help create “life-changing soul-utions”.

1971 3HO Kundulini Yoga & White Tantra Yoga, Beverly Hills, MI
1975-76 Karate & Judo School of America
1977 Georgian College, Barrie Ont. Canada.
The Conservation of Energy. National Broadcast. Panel Debate.
1979 My friend Charlie Martin & I form Eastern Western T-Shirt company.
1978-83 Detroit Blues Club, Video coordinator & Director
Detroit Blues Festival, as well as many private clubs and shows.
Detroit Blues Club ‘Blues After Hours” WDET 101.9 FM every Saturday night with
The Famous Coachman & Bobo Jenkins, President.
1979 University of Detroit, Detroit Michigan, Detroit Symposium on Humanity.
3 day event at The University of Detroit. Entertainment Director.
1979 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Detroit Symposium on Humanity Award Recipient with
his Holiness The Dalia Lama.
1979-84 Self Publisher & Distributor “ The New Age Resource Directory” also included First National Health Food Restaurant Guide & Herbal Remedies Guide.
1979 Upland Hills Ecological Society, Buckminister Fuller’s Organization. Adviser
1980 Detroit Artist & Musicians festival. Oakland Com. College
Producer Director
1981 The Fund For Animals “Wolf For National Mammal” Campaign.
Logo Designer, Concert Producer-Director.
1982 Hamilton Place Health Club, Southfield, MI.
Massage Therapist.
1982 Invitation from the Mayor Coleman Young’s Presentation and Gave the Keys to the City of Detroit to Jacques Cousteau along with a dozen of my “Wolf For National Mammal” T-Shirts for the crew on
The Calypso.
1982 Graduate of the Recess Health Club, Massage School. Instructor
1982 Knollwood Country Club, West Bloomfield, MI.
Massage Dept. Director & Therapist.
1983-84 CoFounder of the MMS Massage School, Instructor
Lymphatic System Specialist (Lymphologist)
1984 Manager of Star Club Detroit
Manager & Security
1985 Founder, The Human Touch Systems, Massage school.
Kailua, Hawaii
1986 Earth Trust, Worked with Capt. Robert Young on The Drift Net Expedition. Our documentation changed International Rules & Regulations on Whaling. Now you can see a TV Show Whale Wars. Capt. Paul Watson leader of The Sea Shepherd Society, they are upholding the laws set forth in the Sea’s.
1987 Docent at Sea Life Park. Whales & Dolphins educator.
1988 Ordained ‘Alakai’ Hawaiian minister. Aloha International,
1987-94 Worked with Jack Herer on the distribution of his book “The Emperor Wears No Clothes.
Hemp education.
1987-2002 Worked with Jose Arguellas, Director for the Hawaiian Harmonic Convergence, The Law of Time & the distribution of the “Dreamspell”
1988 Kahuna Healing workshop with Dr. Serge King.
Producer- Director
1989 Honolulu Health Club.
Massage Therapist
1995-1999 Earth Day Hawaii
1995 France, Belgium, Italy, Sweden & Bahama’s
Personal Trainer, Massage therapist, Lymphatic educator for many Spa's
1996 The Witness, 3 day Easter performance as Jesus.
1997 Hawaii Organic Farmers Assn. Adviser.
CoFounder Kailua Organic Food pick up.
Weekly organic produce with recipe’s.
1997 Patent Number 5,657,563 Picture Illumination Display Devise.
1997 All People Together, Sponsor, Shayla Spencer.
Producer-Director Earth Day Hawaii
1998 Land Research with the University of Hawaii.
We had the U.S. government relinquish control of the Island of Kaho’olawa, back into
the hands of the Hawaiian’s.
I want to thank many of the Senators of Hawaii, Governor Ben Cayetano, Mayor Jeremy Harris and staff,
for the Proclamations and awards.
1998 Honorary Member of the UNA-USA Hawaii
1999 Seeds For Peace, UNA-USA Concert fund raiser
2000 Oahu Gathering
2000 Diamond Head Unity, Presentation for the Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi
2001 Golden Gloves of Hawaii Award
Massage Therapist of the year.
Dec. 2004 moved to Las Vegas
2005 Massage Envy, Las Vegas, NV
Massage therapist
5-5-05 Married in Las Vegas on the 105th floor of the Stratosphere.
5-10-06 Charles Patrick Lane was home water birthed.
Las Vegas, NV
10-05-06 Moved to Charleston, SC.
2006 Massage Envy, Mt. Pleasant, SC.
Massage Therapist of the year Award
Presentation in Phoenix AZ.
10-18-07 Oliver Bennett Lane Home water birthed
Charleston, SC
Divorced 5-5-2015
20018 The Beach House Spa, IOP
Lymphologist, Massage Master
2019 The Charleston Resort & Marina
Beach Club, Estuary Spa, Massage Master
If you have any Questions, please contact me.
Johnny Free, Detroit Symposium on Humanity
928 227 7925
Dr. Michael Whitty University of Detroit.
248 723 0105
Denise Roman Owner Aztec Secret, Healing Clay.
702 503 8245
Bill Wilson Owner The Beach House Spa, IOP
843 209 8864
Anna Sundberg Reed Sweden Health Client
011 46 70 2011555
Laurie Bird, Lymphatic Massage Student, now licensed in New Orleans, LA
504 621 8220
Shayla Spencer, All Children Together, Owner
808 638 7840
More if needed.

Mission Statement
Love to Live & Live to Love Teaching Self healing, Natural healthy living with LMI